Sweater Leather Weather is Here

The Brrr months in San Francisco is here! The Bay Area especially San Francisco is relatively chilly all year round but yesterday, the temperature dropped to 40 degrees. It's like Lake Tahoe but where the heck is the snow?? Crazy. If I could wear sweatpants or pajamas all day, I would. Raise your hand if you're like me!

Orrrrr I'd go for tights or jeggings instead. Whoever invented them, thank you so much! But finding the right style with a good balance of comfort can be a pain in the butt. Literally and figuratively. 

Well ladies, if you're all for comfort but not compromising the style, Albion Fit gives you that. Their stuff are fashionable and unique but most importantly practical and technical. I first came across with their fitness and swimwear collection. I own a pair of leggings and their active sweater, you can check it here. I love them like I like my jammies. Sorry but let's be real here, when it's cold, it makes you extra lazy to dress up. You'd just pick whatever is easy and comfortable. Thank you Albion Fit for expanding your collection. Your New Arrivals is seriously in one of my wish lists.